September 2018
Overnight Training Session for New Trainees
Techno Support Cooperative
At Ondo Corporation, an affiliate of our cooperative, a two-night, three-day training session was once again organized this year as part of its new trainee education program. The session was held from August 14 at the National Center for Youth Exchange in Etajima.
With the participation of forty-five Vietnamese technical intern trainees who were received in the company’s factories in Hachihonmatsu, Ondo, and Iwakuni over the year, as well as eight staff members, the session provided lessons in sports, the Japanese language, and swimming. Initially, it was dubious whether the customary cutter training could be held, as a typhoon was said to be approaching, but it was able to be held as planned, and everyone worked together to row through a half-day course under the instruction of the youth exchange center supervisor. Everyone learned the importance of teamwork and appeared to gain a sense of achievement; such an experience will surely benefit them during their three years of technical intern training.