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JITCO's Support Services

Sending Support

Overseas sending organizations that send technical intern trainees to Japan require information about Japan’s Technical Intern Training Program, supervising organizations, and other such aspects of the program. Supervising organizations that accept technical intern trainees also require information about sending organizations.

Based on records of discussion (R/D) with governmental counterparts in sending countries, JITCO provides information and teaching materials to sending organizations and helps them to connect with supervising organizations.

Note that under the new system, a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) is signed between governments to eliminate inappropriate sending organizations through cooperation between the Japanese government and sending countries. See below for information about the status of agreements between governments under the new system, details regarding sending organizations, and other such aspects of the sending operation.

Provision of information about sending countries and organizations to supervising organizations

The first step in planning a technical intern training operation is collecting information about trends in sending countries and information necessary for selecting a sending organization. JITCO offers a service that provides the following information, to contribute to the selection of optimal technical intern trainees and facilitate negotiations with sending organizations.

  • (1)Provision of information on the state of affairs in sending countries, procedures, and regulations specific to each sending country, etc.
  • (2)Provision of information on sending organizations: details of sending countries and organizations

Information on sending countries and organizations

Affairs Dept.


Information on sending countries and organizations

Match-ups between supervising organizations and sending countries/organizations

To help enhance the results of technical intern training and create opportunities for mutual interaction between the sending and receiving sides, JITCO hosts joint seminars and explanatory meetings both in Japan and in sending countries. Overseas inspection tours are also organized as a means for gaining and deepening understanding of the state of affairs in sending countries.

Joint seminar between sending organizations from Thailand and supervising organizations in Japan
Affairs Dept.


Joint seminar between sending organizations from Thailand and supervising organizations in Japan

Consultation support for sending organizations

Seminars for sending organizations
To promote widespread awareness of the objectives and scheme of the Technical Intern Training Program, JITCO hosts seminars for sending organizations in sending countries with the cooperation of their governmental counterpart.
Dissemination of resources intended for sending countries and organizations
JITCO publishes and distributes a wide variety of information resources, including the JITCO Pamphlet and various teaching materials and texts.

See here for information on teaching materials and texts.

Affairs Dept.


See here for information on teaching materials and texts.