Technical Intern Training Program

Bangladesh : List of Sending Organizations

・Under the framework of the new program, which came into effect on November 1, 2017, the governments of sending countries and the Japanese government has entered into Memorandum of Cooperation with the aim of eliminating inappropriate sending organizations, with the cooperation of the governments of sending countries.

・A Memorandum of Cooperation between Bangladesh and Japan was executed on January 29, 2018.

Details can be found here (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website)(In Japanese only)

・Accredited sending organizations of Bangladesh were posted on the Organization for Technical Intern Training website in March 2018 pursuant to a Memorandum of Cooperation. Under the Memorandum of Cooperation, technical intern trainees can no longer be accepted from organizations other than accredited sending organizations as of September 1, 2018.

Information regarding accredited sending organizations can be found here (Organization for Technical Intern Training website).