Technical Intern Training Program

List of regular yearly or bi-annual consultation

July 2017

Visit by Delegation from China's Ministry of Commerce

On July 4, 2017 a delegation from the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China paid a visit to JITCO.
The Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) is the government office that exercises jurisdiction in China over foreign trade and international economic cooperation. And for programs that dispatch technical intern trainees to Japan, it presides over duties such as granting dispatch licenses to sending organizations and formulating related policies. The Sino-Japan Trainee Cooperation Organization of China (hereafter, SJTCOC), which is the government liaison that has concluded an R/D with JITCO, conducts programs under the guidance of MOFCOM. The MOFCOM delegation made this visit to Japan in order to hold talks with the related organizations in Japan and to stay abreast of trends with an eye to implementing the new technical training law. They also exchanged information with JITCO.

Also, as the intention was expressed to specifically look into a more cooperative relationship between SJTCOC and JITCO in order to continue contributing to the development of the technical intern training program, JITCO introduced five different field-specific programs as concrete examples of efforts it will be making as a “comprehensive support organization.”

  • 2nd from left: Li Shao Tong, Deputy Director Department of Outward Investment and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Commerce